
November 11, 2015
Insulation regime

The forge is a chance to try out many of the materials and methods that we will use on the mill. This includes the insulation regime.

Here you see a good thick layer of wool lining the walls. What you cannot see is the space age, breathable multi-foil insulation layer just under the weatherboarding. We're already surprised at the difference it all makes to both noise and thermal performance.

October 5, 2015
Two buildings complete

The outer shell of the two buildings complete. The forge is on the left and the garage on the right. These two buildings are an essential first step that forms our base. From here we can start the restoration of the mill.

October 1, 2015
Kositos Cooked Maize

When we found this enamel sign in the mill, it was so dirty that we thought it was just one of a number of sheets of rusty metal.

The sign is advertising animal feed from a company called R&W Paul Ltd, an Ipswich based company founded in 1842. The brewery diversified into the manufacture of animal feedstuffs after 1877.

The company was eventually sold to the Irish-based agriculture and sugar conglomerate, Greencore.

October 1, 2015
Frame of the Forge

The frame of the forge complete, ready for windows, doors and weatherboarding.

September 21, 2015

The leadwork around the chimney on the forge is a neat finish to the roof work. The roofs of the garage and forge are slate and have a similar pitch to that of the slate roof on the mill.

September 11, 2015
Roof structure

The roof structure of the forge has traditional king posts in keeping with the kinds of timber structures found in the mill.

September 10, 2015
Pumice & Leica

Pumice and Leica. Not their names but the fabric of the chimney. Here's Dave (Ratty) Ratcliffe with right hand man Steve in typical mood getting ready for a well-deserved pint at the Compasses in Greenfield.

August 21, 2015
Boarded garage

Here's the garage after the walls, membrane and weatherboard have been added.

August 13, 2015
Garage build in time-lapse

Watch the garage going up thanks to the team from Oakley Framing.

August 13, 2015
Completed timber frame

The completed timber frame of the garage.

August 12, 2015
Timber frame construction

Sharing has a different meaning to timber framers. Traditional artisan methods of construction demands good teamwork everyone has to pull their weight and more as they are man-handling big, heavy oak beams.

August 12, 2015
Staring the oak frame structure

Oakley framers work as a well oiled team. They don’t stop but keep up a steady relentless pace moving heavy oak posts and beams. The four of them loaded and unloaded 9 tons of garage materials and drove down from Corby all before 11am. By evening the oak frame was up.

Oakley Framing
July 4, 2015
Laying concrete

Laying the concrete for the outbuildings.